Tagasi otsingusse
Frey, 1975 (eds)

The Study of Trace Fossils: A Synthesis of Principles, Problems, and Procedures in Ichnology

Frey, R. W.
Kirjastuse kohtBerlin Heidelberg New York
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


13-38The realm of ichnology, its strengths and limitationsFrey, R. W.
39-54Classification of Trace FossilsSimpson, S.
55-63Preservation of Trace FossilsHallam, A.
87–108The paleontological significance of trace fossilsOsgood, R. G.
109-130The Stratigraphical Significance of Trace FossilsCrimes, T. P.
131-146The Sedimentological Significance of Trace FossilsHoward, J. D.
147-160The Paleoecological and Environmental Significance of Trace FossilsRhoads, D. C.
163-179Plant Trace FossilsSarjeant, W. A. S.
181-227Borings as Trace Fossils, and the Processes of Marine BioerosionWarme, J. E.
229-259Boring microorganisms and microborings in carbonate substratesGolubić, S., Perkins, R. D., Lukas, K. J.
267-281Traces of predationBishop, G. A.,
283-324Fossil Tracks and Impressions of VertebratesSarjeant, W. A. S.
325-350Vertebrate BurrowsVoorhies, M. R.
351-376Problems in Interpreting Unusually Large BurrowsBromley, R. G., Curran, H. A., Frey, R. W., Gutschick, R. C., Suttner, L. J.
377-398Trace fossils in carbonate rocksKennedy, W. J.
399-428Trace Fossils at Omission SurfacesBromley, R. G.
431-458Recent Lebensspuren in Nonmarine Aquatic EnvironmentsChamberlain, C. K.
459-491Recent Biocoenoses and Ichnocoenoses in Shallow-Water Marine EnvironmentsDörjes, J., Hertweck, G.
493-510Animal Traces on the Deep-Sea FloorHollister, C. D., Heezen, B. C., Nafe, K. E.
513-536Experimental Approaches in NeoichnologyElders, C. A.
537-554Techniques for the Study of Fossil and Recent TracesFarrow, G. E.
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