Tagasi otsingusse
Zonneveld et al., 2012b

Ichnological constraints on the depositional environment of the Sawahlunto Formation, Kandi, northwest Ombilin Basin, west Sumatra, Indonesia

Zonneveld, J.-P., Zaim, Y., Rizal, Y., Ciochon, R. L., Bettis, E. A., Aswan, A., Gunnell, G. F.
AjakiriJournal of Asian Earth Sciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


 low diversity trace fossil assemblage is described from the Oligocene Sawahlunto Formation near Kandi, in the northwestern part of the Ombilin Basin in western Sumatra, Indonesia. This trace fossil assemblage includes six ichnogenera attributed to invertebrate infaunal and epifaunal activities (Arenicolites, Diplocraterion, Planolites, Monocraterion/Skolithos and Coenobichnus) and two ichnotaxa attributed to vertebrate activity (avian footprints: two species of Aquatilavipes). ArenicolitesDiplocraterion and Monocraterion/Skolithos record the suspension feeding activities of either arthropods (most likely amphipods) or vermiform organisms. Planolites reflects the presence of an infaunal deposit feeder. Coenobichnus records the walking activities of hermit crabs. Both the Coenobichnus and the avian footprints record the surficial detritus scavenging of epifaunal organisms within a subaerial setting. These traces occur within a fine-grained sandstone succession characterized by planar laminae and low-relief, asymmetrical, commonly mud-draped (locally bidirectional) ripples.

Viimati muudetud: 11.12.2020
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