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Miller, W., 2003 (eds.)

New Interpretations of Complex Trace Fossils

Miller, W.
AjakiriPalaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology
Tüüpraamat (tervik)


3-14Paleobiology of complex trace fossilsMiller, W.
15-31Trace fossils and extended organisms: a physiological perspectiveTurner, J.
33-43Styles of behavioral complexity recorded by selected trace fossilsMiller, M. F.
45-58Ecological and L-system based simulations of trace fossilsPlotnick, R. E.
59-78Early Jurassic to Late Cretaceous evolution of Zoophycos in the French Subalpine Basin (southeastern France)Olivero, D.
79–100Structure and function of large, lobed Zoophycos, Pliocene of Rhodes, GreeceBromley, R. G., Hanken, N.-M.
101-121Ethological implications from a detailed X-ray radiograph and 14C-study of the modern deep-sea ZoophycosLöwemark, L., Schäfer, P.
123-142Trends in diversity, frequency and complexity of graphoglyptid trace fossils: evolutionary and palaeoenvironmental aspectsUchman, A.
143-155Ethologic and ecologic interpretation of complex stellate structures in Pleistocene deep-sea sediments (Otadai Formation), Boso Peninsula, central JapanKotake, N.
187-219Arthrophycus in the Silurian of Alabama (USA) and the problem of compound trace fossilsRindsberg, A. K., Martin, A. J.
221-227Paleoethologic interpretation of complex Thalassinoides in shallow-marine limestones, Lower Ordovician, southern SwedenEkdale, A. A., Bromley, R. G.
229-245Complex decapod burrows and ecological relationships in modern and Pleistocene intertidal carbonate environments, San Salvador Island, BahamasCurran, H., Martin, A. J.
247-258A ‘Phoebichnus look-alike’: a fossilised root system from Quaternary coastal dune sediments, New ZealandGregory, M. R., Campbell, K. A.
259-320Complex ichnofossils of solitary and social soil organisms: understanding their evolution and roles in terrestrial paleoecosystemsHasiotis, S. T.
321-333Subterranean ant nests: trace fossils past and future?Tschinkel, W. R.
335-343Behavioral cladistics of trace fossils: evolution of derived trace-making skillsEkdale, A., Lamond, R. E.
Viimati muudetud: 3.1.2025
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