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Shcherbakov et al., 2021

Disaster microconchids from the uppermost Permian and Lower Triassic lacustrine strata of the Cis-Urals and the Tunguska and Kuznetsk basins (Russia)

Shcherbakov, D. E., Vinn, O., Zhuravlev, A. Yu.
DOI10.1017/ S0016756820001375
AjakiriGeological Magazine
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We describe aggregative microconchid (Lophophorata) tubes from the uppermost Permian (upper Changhsingian) and Lower Triassic (Olenekian) lacustrine and fluvial strata of the Tunguska and Kuznetsk basins and the southern Cis-Urals, Russia. These attach to clam shrimp carapaces, bivalve shells, terrestrial plant fragments and a horseshoe crab head shield, and also form their own monospecific agglomerations. Planispiral tubes of a wide size range (0.1–2.5 mm) create dense settlements on these firm substrates, which likely comprise multiple generations of the same species. These finds confirm that this extinct lophophorate group was inhabiting non-marine continental basins during latest Permian and earliest Triassic time, when they were major suspension feeders in such limnic ecosystems. Microconchids dispersed extensively and rapidly in the aftermath of the Permian–Triassicmass extinction into both marine and continental basins at low and moderately high latitudes, which were notably different in salinity, temperature, depth and redox conditions. This confirms that small lightly calcifiedmicroconchids were a genuine disaster eurytopic group, whose expansion may have been promoted by low predator pressure and low competition for substrate.


First published online: 13 January 2021
Viimati muudetud: 21.5.2024
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