Tagasi otsingusse
Whittington & Bohlin, 1958

New Lower Ordovician Odontopleuridae (Trilobita) from Öland

Whittington, H. B., Bohlin, B.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Two new species are described from the Raniceps limestone. One is made the type of a new genus, and placed in the subfamily Apianurinae; the subfamily diagnosis is emended. The cephalon and thorax of the new species are known, and odontopleurid pygidia from the same horizon in Öland are thought to belong. Similar pygidia are known from the Expansus limestone of Öland, an unknown horizon in Östergötland, and the Pakri sandstone of Estonia ("Acidaspis" solis ÖPIK, 1926). These pygidia may belong to the same species group. The seeond new species from Öland is a Miraspis, the oldest so far known. The occurrence of Middle and Upper Cambrian trilobites of odontopleurid type in USSR is further evidence that the origin and diversification of the family is earlier than had been though

Viimati muudetud: 31.1.2022
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