Tagasi otsingusse
Bruton, 1966

A Revision of the Swedish Ordovician Odontopleuridae (Trilobita)

Bruton, D. L.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Institutions of the University of Uppsala
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All the material available of Swedish Ordovician odontopleurid trilobites has been studied and type specimens are refigured. Eight genera and 1 s species have been distinguished. A new genus, Periallaspis, from the lowermost Arenig of Västergötland is one of the oldest so far known. At present, this genus cannot be referred to any known subfamily and its relation to other genera is not clear. Newly described species are Periallaspis uncinus, Apianurus vikarbyensis, Miraspis solbergensis and Primaspis bestorpensis. Primaspis dalecarlica (TÖRNQUIST) is considered a synonym of P. evaluta (TÖRNQUIST). The occurrence of Apianurus vikarbyensis in the Expansus Limestone indicates that the range of the genus Apianurus can be extended in to the Lower Ordovician. The stratigraphic and geographic distribution of each species is presented and the relations with species from other areas are briefly discussed.

Viimati muudetud: 1.2.2022
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