Tagasi otsingusse
Belles-Isles & Janvier, 1984

Nouveaux Ostéostracés du Dévonien Inférieur de Podolie (RSS d 'Ukraine)

Belles-Isles, M., Janvier, P.
AjakiriActa Palaeontologica Polonica
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Three new species of Osteostraci are described from the Lower Devonian (Gedinnian) of Podolia (Ukrainian SSR). Benneviaspis whitei sp. n. is closely related to the most derived species of this genus, Benneviaspis polonica sp. n. lacks cornual processes and may also be a much derived species within the genus Benneviaspis. Tegaspis waengsjoei sp. n. seems to be more primitive that the two other species of this genus known from Spitsbergen. Comparisons between these species and those from the Lower Devonian of Spitsbergen confirms stratigraphical correlations between the Babin Sandstone ("Old Red") of Podolia and the upper part of the Ben Nevis Formation of Spitsbergen.

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