Tagasi otsingusse
Chrząstek & Nowicka, 2021

Trace fossils and depositional environments of the middle Turonian sandstones in the Upper Nysa Kłodzka Graben (Sudetes, Poland) revisited

Chrząstek, A., Nowicka, N.
AjakiriGeological Quarterly
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


We provide the first reports of some rare trace fossils from the middle Turonian (Upper Cretaceous) of the Sudety Mountains (SW Poland, Upper Nysa Kodzk a Graben, Dugopole Górne Quarry). These include burrows ?Ancorichnus isp., Asterosoma cf. ludwigae Schlirf, 2000, Asterosoma isp., cf. Phycodes isp., Dactyloidites ottoi (Geinitz, 1849), Funalichnus strangulatus (Fritsch, 1883), Phycodes cf. palmatus (Hall, 1852), cf. Phycodes isp., Phycosiphon incertum Fischer-Ooster, 1858, ?Phycosiphon isp., Planolites beverleyensis (Billings, 1862) and borings Entobia isp. Some body fossils, bivalves ?Brachidontes sp., Lima canalifera Goldfuss, 1836, Pinna (Pinna) cretacea (Schlotheim, 1813) and Rhynchostreon suborbiculatum (Lamarck, 1801) are also reported. The trace fossil assemblage indicates a distal Skolithos ichnofacies and proximal Cruziana ichnofacies, which characterize a proximal and distal lower shoreface setting respectively. Sedimentation of the middle Turonian sandstones took place in a shallow epicontinental sea of normal salinity and a soft substrate, which was well-oxygenated under low-moderate hydrodynamic conditions. The presence of the oyster Rhynchostreon in the deposits studied suggests the influence of a warm Tethys Ocean.

Viimati muudetud: 21.6.2023
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