Tagasi otsingusse
Wheeley et al., 2012

Oxygen isotope variability in conodonts: implications for reconstructing Palaeozoic palaeoclimates and palaeoceanography

Wheeley, J. R., Smith, M. P., Boomer, I.
AjakiriJournal of the Geological Society
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Conodonts have the potential to elucidate the intricacies of Palaeozoic climates, especially if δ 18O values of single apatitic tooth-like 'elements' can be used to map evolving sea surface temperatures and differentiate oceanic water masses. Their ecological distribution as pelagic and nektobenthic organisms, high-resolution biostratigraphy, and abundance in Cambrian-Triassic rocks qualifies them as potentially robust climate archives. Previous ion microprobe conodont δ 18O studies have proceeded directly to palaeotempera-ture interpretation without appreciation of inter- and intra-element variability or post-mortem artefacts. Here, ion microprobe analyses of Ordovician and Silurian conodonts establishes that: intra-element crown tissue δ 18O typically varies by <1%o (53% of conodonts analysed), is normally <2%o (92% of analyses), and rarely varies by 2-4%o; δ 18O can vary across elements, suggesting a microstructural and/or diagenetic control; δ 18O can vary between species representatives by c. 3%o; δ 18O of pelagic and nektobenthic taxa can be offset by 2-3%o; elements processed with formic acid have highly variable δ 18O; and thermal alteration does affect δ 18O. Conodont ion microprobe δ 18O values are comparable with those of bulk methods, but utilization of material with no consideration of geological context or processing history may introduce significant artefacts. A protocol for future conodont oxygen isotope ion microprobe studies is proposed.

Viimati muudetud: 28.3.2021
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