Tagasi otsingusse
Ali Hussein et al., 2014

Depositional environment of Late Cretaceous to Eocene organic-rich marls from Jordan

Ali Hussein, M., Alqudah, M., Podlaha, O. G., ven den Boorn, S., kolonic, S., Mutterlose, J.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Oil-shale beds formed under anoxic conditions that were controlled by various local, regional and global factors. The Jordanian oil shales, which were deposited during the Late Cretaceous to Eocene, are considered as an example for the interplay of these factors. Two cores of organic-rich marls were investigated and analyzed with respect to their lithology, ichnofabrics and carbonate microfacies. The first core (OS-01, 183.3 m; South Jordan) is of Late Cretaceous age, the second one (OS-23, 256.3 m; Central Jordan) is of Eocene age. Our studies revealed that the Upper Cretaceous oil shales were deposited in a shallow-water carbonate shelf. Oyster bioherms acted as physical barriers that reduced the water circulation with the open shelf, thereby causing anoxic conditions. The Eocene oil shales also accumulated on a shallow-water carbonate shelf. In this case, however, synsedimentary tectonics caused subsiding grabens and half grabens, which in turn gave way to anoxic conditions. Both deposition and richness of the Jordanian oil shales were affected by regional sea-level fluctuations and global climatic changes.

Viimati muudetud: 5.4.2021
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