Glaukoniit ja selle kaevandamise võimalused Eestis Toolse maardla näitel [Bakalaureusetöö. Juhendaja: J. Nemliher]
Aasta | 2017 |
Pealkiri tõlgitud | Glauconite and its mining possibilities in Estonia as shown in Toolse deposit example |
Kirjastus | Tallinna Tehnikaülikooli geoloogia instituut |
Kirjastuse koht | Tallinn |
Leheküljed | 1-40 |
Tüüp | diplomitöö / bakalaureusetöö |
Eesti autor | |
Keel | eesti |
Id | 31515 |
Glaukoniit kui maavara on Eestis alakasutatud ja alauuritud. Töö eesmark on antud maavara tutvustada, selgitada omadusi, võrrelda Eestis leiduvat glaukoniiti mujal maailmas avaldatuga. Töös vaadeldaks lähemalt Toolse fosforiidimaardla läänepoolset osa kui sobilikku glaukoniidi leiukohta ja kaevandamise kohta koos potentsiaalsete kasutusviisiga.
In Estonia, glauconite as a mineral resource is under-researched and not used. This study introduces Estonian glauconite as it is found in West-Toolse phosphorite field. In this study, three main points are emphasised and focused on. First, the overall introduction of glauconite as a resource, its chemical composition, key features, and industrial value. The second point is introduction of Estonian glauconite as it is found in West-Toolse phosphorite field with data about glauconite found from this specific place, comparison of the mentioned mineral with other promising mineral deposits abroad. Thirdly, this study proposes that excavation of glauconite may be started from planned mining claim of Kunda Nordic Cement, which is located in the West-Toolse deposit. Additionally, complex excavation prospects are treated. Glauconite in Estonia is at the high end of the quality scale being suitable for production of paint, sorbent, soil amendment and possibly as a construction material for geobarriers. Most suitable place for excavation start is located in Toolse phosphorus deposit field in near Rakvere, at planned Kunda Nordic Cement West-Toolse limestone quarry, as this deposit is situated right under a planned quarry of limestone. Alternatively, if the Toolse site will be industrialised and phosphorite mined, glauconite should be mined as well, regardless of the method used. In this light, prospects of industrial glauconite use must be considered and studied as it is suitable for use in different industrial fields.