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Rychliński et al., 2014a

Unusually well preserved casts of halite crystals: A case from the Upper Frasnian of northern Lithuania

Rychliński, T., Jaglarz, P., Uchman, A., Vainorius, J.
AjakiriSedimentary Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Upper Frasnian carbonate-siliciclastics of the Stipinai Formation (northern Lithuania) comprise a bed of calcareous silty arenite with casts of halite crystals, including hopper crystals. Unusually well-preserved casts occur on the lower surface of the bed, while poorly-preserved casts are present on the upper bedding surface. The casts originated as the result of the dissolution of halite crystals which grew in the sediment. The dissolution took place during early stages of diagenesis, when host sediment was soft. Unstable cavities after crystal dissolution were filled by overlying sediment forming their casts. The collapsing sediment form sink-hole deformation structures which disturb wave–ripple cross lamination from the upper part of the bed. Dewatering pipe structures are also present. The casts and accompanying sink-hole and dewatering pipes are classified as the postdepositional deformation structures caused by haloturbation.

Viimati muudetud: 3.5.2021
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