Tagasi otsingusse
Erdoğan et al., 2004

Lithostratigraphy of the Lower Cambrian metaclastics and their age based on trace fossils in the Sandıklı region, southwestern Turkey

Erdoğan, B., Uchman, A., Güngör, T., Özgül, N.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In the Sandıklı region of the Taurus Range of Turkey, greater than 3000 m in thickness metamorphosed siliciclastics and volcanics (Kocayayla Group) underlies the trilobite-and conodont-bearing Middle-Late Cambrian Hudai Quartzite and Çaltepe Formation. The Kocayayla Group, previously regarded as Infracambrian or Precambrian, is dated for the first time as Early Cambrian on the basis of trace fossils. Cruziana ?fasciculata, C. ?salomonis, ?Cruziana isp., ?Diplichnites isp., Monomorphichnus isp., Petalichnus isp., Rusophycus ?avalonensis, R. ?latus, Arenicolites isp., cf. Altichnus foeyni, Planolites isp., Skolithos isp., and ?Treptichnus isp. have been recognised. These trace fossils are considered Tommotian or younger in age but older than the overlying, trilobite and conodont bearing Middle Cambrian limestones of the Çaltepe Formation. The trace fossils were likely produced by trilobites, suspension feeding annelids and deposit feeding “worms”, probably polychaetes. Sections bearing abundant Skolithos represent the Skolithos ichnofacies, which is typical of high energy environments with loose sandy, well sorted to slightly muddy substrates in intertidal to shallow subtidal zones. The other trace fossils represent the Cruziana ichnofacies, which is typical of subtidal, poorly sorted and soft substrates, from moderate energy to low energy environments between the fairweather and storm wave base. The Kocayayla Group was deposited at an early stage in a shallow marine stable shelf condition. The shelf subsided in a later stage and was affected by normal faults along which mafic and felsic volcanic rocks erupted. The volcanic activity had ceased and a shallow marine clastic sedimentation took place in the final stage of the shelf development. The Kocayayla Group was deformed and metamorphosed before the deposition of the trilobite-bearing Middle-Upper Cambrian succession. 

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