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Jell & Sutherland, 1990

The Silurian rugose coral genus Entelophyllum and related genera in northern Europe

Jell, J. S., Sutherland, P. K.
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Restudy of Entelophyllum from Gotland (including the type species) and Great Britain indicate: restriction of Entelophyllum to phaceloid forms with peripheral, parricidal increase. Typical forms also have smooth or carinate septa, well-developed biserial tabularia. and dissepimentaria composed of globose interseptal dissepiments. On Gotland the genus ranges from the late Telychian to the Ludfordian Stereoxyloides Wang and Carinophyllum Strelnikov are considered junior synonyms of Entelophyllum. Species from Gotland with nonparricidal budding are referred to Donacophyllum Dybowski. Cerioid forms internally similar to Entelephyllum are referred to Prohexagonaria Merriam. Petrozium Smith is retained for some Early Silurian forms. Newly described taxa are: Entelophyllum articulatum anglicum subsp. nov., E. dendroides sp nov., E. lauendse sp. nov., E. hamraense sp. nov., E. sp. A., Prohexagonaria favia sp. nov., P. gotlandica sp, nov., Donacophyllum neumani sp. nov., and D. wallstenense sp. nov.

Viimati muudetud: 15.10.2022
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