Tagasi otsingusse
Szrek et al., 2021

Bioerosion traces and borings in the Upper Devonian vertebrate remains from the Holy Cross Mountains, Poland Bioerosion in fish remains

Szrek, P., Dworczak, P. G., Wilk, O.
KirjastusCold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Tüüppreprint (artikkel digiarhiivis)


Among the hundreds of collected Devonian vertebrate macrofossils in the Holy Cross Mountains, placoderms dominate and provide data on their morphology, distribution and taphonomy. So far 17 out of more than 500 studied specimens have revealed bones with surfaces covered by sediment-filled trace fossils. The traces have been made on the vertebrate remains before their final burial. The borings, oval in cross-section, include dendroidal networks of shallow tunnels or short, straight or curved individual scratches and grooves, which frequently create groups on the both sides of the bones. ?Karethraichnus isp. from Kowala and ?Osteocallis isp. from Wietrznia are the oldest record of these ichnogenera. Sedimentological clues indicate a shallow water environment, probably from the slope below the storm wave base.

Viimati muudetud: 16.11.2022
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