Tagasi otsingusse
Topper et al., 2013

A bradoriid and brachiopod dominated shelly fauna from the Furongian (Cambrian) of Västergötland, Sweden

Topper, T. P., Skovsted, C. B., Harper, D. A. T., Ahlberg, P.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A small assemblage of shelly fossils, dominated by the brachiopod Treptotreta jucunda and the bradoriid arthropod Mongolitubulus aspermachaera new species is described from a Furongian limestone of Västergötland, south-central Sweden. Mongolitubulus aspermachaera is represented in the assemblage by individual valves and numerous, ornamented spines. Valves and spines share identical ornament and microstructure leaving no doubt that the isolated spines were once attached to the bradoriid valves. Mongolitubulus aspermachaera adds to the increasing list of spinose Cambrian bradoriid arthropods, and Mongolitubulidae new family is erected here to incorporate the genera MongolitubulusTubuterium and Spinospitella. Mongolitubulus aspermachaera represents the youngest member of the new family and supplements the biodiversity of bradoriids in the Furongian, an interval when bradoriid diversity is considered to be very much on the decline. The brachiopod Treptotreta jucunda described predominantly from the ‘middle' to ‘late' Cambrian of Australia is here documented for the first time from outside Gondwana, dramatically extending the biogeographical range of the species. Other elements of the faunal assemblage include typical Baltic Furongian representatives, such as the trilobite Parabolina, the agnostoid Agnostus and the phosphatocopids Hesslandona and Vestrogothia.

Viimati muudetud: 12.1.2025
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