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Bouchemla et al., 2021

Zoophycos and related trace fossils from the Chefar El Ahmar Formation, Upper Emsian-Frasnian Ia-Ib (Ougarta, SW Algeria)

Bouchemla, I., Bendella, M., Benyoucef, M., Vinn, O., Ferré, B.
AjakiriProceedings of the Geologists Association
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The Upper Emsian to Frasnian Ia-Ib strata of the Marhouma area (or “km 30” outcrop), exposed in the Ougarta Range (SW Algeria) belong to the Chefar El Ahmar Formation. On the basis of distinct lithological and palaeontological features, this formation is subdivided into three members (Lower Marly Limestones Member, Middle Marly Limestones Member, and Upper Marly Limestones Member). The studied beds show low to moderate diversity of trace fossil assemblage which contains thirteen ichnotaxa: Chondrites intricatus, Chondrites isp., Chondrites cf. targionii, Circulichnis cf. montanus, Cochlichnus isp., Neonereites biserialis, Neonereites multiserialis, Nereites isp., Palaeophycus isp., Planolites isp., Thalassinoides isp., Zoophycos aff. cauda-galli, and Zoophycos isp. A. The two latter ichnotaxa are the most common trace fossils in the assemblage and occur at three different levels showing different bioturbation intensities. The first Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 1) is characterised by an overall high bioturbation intensity reflecting a very high oxygenation rate and nutrient supply, allowing the development of large and dense Zoophycos specimens. The second Zoophycos-bearing level (Zl 2) has a considerable reduction of bioturbation intensity as compared to the previous level, with an abundance of Chondrites, which is probably due to radical palaeoecological changes that suggests dysoxic and stressful conditions. The third Zoophycos bearing level (Zl 3) is characterised by an overall moderate bioturbation intensity. The distribution of trace fossils was influenced by lithology, sedimentation rate, energy level (storm events), bottom oxygenation, and nutrient supply. The lithofacies and trace fossils of the Chefar El Ahmar Formation both indicate a depositional environment fluctuating from the lower shoreface to lower offshore zone.

Viimati muudetud: 3.1.2022
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