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Tovar-Hernández et al., 2020

Fan worms (Annelida: Sabellidae) from Indonesia collected by the Snellius II Expedition (1984) with descriptions of three new species and tube microstructure

Tovar-Hernández, M. A., ten Hove, H. A., Vinn, O., Zatoń, M., de León-González, J. A., García-Garza, M. E.
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The Indonesian archipelago is one of the most diverse regions in the marine World. Many contributions on polychaete worms have been published since the Dutch Siboga Expedition to the Indonesian archipelago at the end of the 19th century. In this study, we examined specimens of Sabellidae Latreille1825 collected during the Snellius II Expedition (1984) to Indonesia, carried out by the Dutch Research Vessel (RV) “Tyro” and the Indonesian RV “Samudera”. The results include reports of Acromegalomma acrophthalmosA. interruptumA. sp., Bispira manicataB. poriferaB. secusolutaBranchiomma boholense secusolutaBranchiomma boholense, Notaulax pyrrohogasterN. tenuitorquesN. sp. 3, Parasabella crassichaetaePerkinsiana anodina, and Sabellastarte spectabilis. In addition, three new species are described: Acromegalomma sumbense sp. nov., Claviramus olivager sp. nov., and Notaulax montiporicola sp. nov., the latter in living coral (Montipora nodosa). Further, Sabella (Potamillapolyophthalmos Grube is transferred to Pseudopotamilla. Additional histological accounts of B. porifera and tube microstructure of A. acrophthalmosB. poriferaP. anodinaPseudopotamilla polyophthalmos and Sabellastarte spectabilis are also included.

Viimati muudetud: 26.2.2022
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