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Truuver et al., 2012

Stratigraphy of the Ordovician–Silurian boundary interval in Östergötland, Sweden, based on ostracod distribution and stable carbon isotopic data

Truuver, K., Meidla, T., Ainsaar, L., Bergström, J., Tinn, O.
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The Hirnantian glaciation event at the end of the Ordovician brought along major biological and oceanographic changes. The Harpabollia harparum ostracod assemblage characterized by its distinct species composition has been described only from localities where the presence of the Hirnantian strata is proven. This paper focuses on the distribution of this association from the Baltic area to Scandinavia (Sweden) and compares the faunal composition between these two areas. Altogether 4733 ostracods of 69 species were collected from the Ordovician–Silurian boundary interval in the Råssnäsudden section in Östergötland, SE Sweden. Pre-Hirnantian and Llandoverian assemblages are present, but there is no evidence of any H. harparum association or any HICE (Hirnantian carbon isotope excursion) peak in δ13C values. This evidence suggests a gap in the Råssnäsudden outcrop that corresponds to most of the Hirnantian

Viimati muudetud: 20.6.2024
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