Tagasi otsingusse
Smelror, 1991

Palynomorphs from the Cyrtograptus centrifugus graptolite zone (Early Wenlock, Silurian), Bornholm

Smelror, M.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Palynomorph assemblages recovered from the Cyrtograptus centrifuges graptolite zone on Bornholm contain moderately diverse acritarchs and prasinophccan algae, and minor chitinozoans and miosporcs. The generally poor preservation is due mainly to a high thermal alteration of the sediments. The indentified Early Wenlock (Sheinwoodian) palynomorph assemblages are closely related to those described from contemporaneous deposits elsewhere in northwest Europe and U.S.S.R., and they are characterized by common representatives of the genera Leiosphaeridia, Diexallophasis, Oppilatala, Salopidium and Michystridium. The palynomorph assemblages herein described arc similar to the marine floras from the open marine deep water deposits of the Wenlock carbonate shelf of the Welsh Borderland and Midlands of England as described by Doming and Bell (1987) (the Saliopidium granuliferum Assemblage). The presence of Domasia elongata and Domasia trispinosa, together with ?Deunffia sp. confirm that the Early Wenlock deposits on Bornholm are coeval with the Deunffia - Domasia facies proper as defined by Cramer (1970, 1971, 1971a).

Viimati muudetud: 24.9.2022
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