Tagasi otsingusse
Upeniece, 2001

The unique fossil assemblage from the Lode Quarry (Upper Devonian, Latvia)

Upeniece, I.
AjakiriMitteilungen aus dem Museum für Naturkunde der Humboldt-Universität in Berlin
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The unique fossil fauna from the Lode clay quarry, lower Frasnian, Latvia, includes a diverse ichthyofauna of at least 15 taxa of agnathans and gnathostomes, representing most of the major taxa of Devonian vertebrates. Six new fish taxa (five species and one genus) were discovered during the last ten years. Exceptionally well-preserved juvenile fishes (Asterolepis ornata, Lodeacanthus gaujicus) provide unique data on ontogenetic change. Diverse arthropods are recorded. Parasitic platyhelminth remains in juvenile fish bodies is their first discovery in the fossil record, and represents the oldest parasitic association ever found. A complete faunal and floral list for the Lode quarry is presented, with a detailed biostratigraphic section. Comparison of vertebrata taxa from the Gauja Regional Stage with similar of the Main Devonian Field, Scotland, Timan, Canada, and Germany is reviewed

Viimati muudetud: 14.4.2023
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