Tagasi otsingusse
Lemke, U., 2022

Katalog Trilobita +

Lemke, U.


Notes to the Database: The list is an extract from a database with about 30.000 index cards. One card (corresponding with one taxon) includes both the listed informations and also some remarks to the stratigraphy, earlier or new designations to other genera, holotypes, synonyms, nomina nuda etc. Is a specimen available in the Lemke collection further remarks are included, e.g. the locality, collection 1 number, which parts are visible and quantities etc. The database contains also ca. half a million literature citations. A supplementary database contains additional 10.000 taxa in open nomenclature. Altogether 40.000 described trilobite taxa from about 300 years of trilobite research were documented. Between 6000-7000 species were regarded by authors as synonymous. About 19.000 geological publications and some dozens of dissertations and diplom theses were evaluated

Viimati muudetud: 5.7.2023
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