Tagasi otsingusse
Leshchinskiy et al., 2021

Holes in the spinous processes of woolly mammoth vertebrae: spatial and temporal distribution, and the causes of pathology formation

Leshchinskiy, S. V., Kuzmin, Y. V., Boudin, M., Amon, L.
AjakiriJournal of Quaternary Science
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The latest data on holes in the spinous processes of the vertebrae of woolly mammoths, a rare pathology, are presented. This was identified at 19 sites of northern Eurasia. Such destructive changes are recorded ca. 34–12k 14C a bp, and only two sites dated to >50k and >41k 14C a bp. The main hypotheses about hole formation are: vertebral abnormalities; bone infections; genetic traits; and unfavourable geochemical environment. The pathology occurred in mammoths of all age groups, and could have arisen at the embryonic stage. There are two types: classic holes associated with osteolytic changes; and very rarely tumour-like lesions. The most likely cause of the lesions is alimentary osteodystrophy caused by chronic mineral starvation. The aetiology of this disease is usually associated with a deficiency or excess of macro- and microelements in the geochemical landscape, and through forage and water this leads to a severe metabolic disorder. Analysis of palaeopathological data shows two waves of geochemical stress in animals, ca. 26–18k and ca. 16–12k 14C a bp. Therefore, the woolly mammoth extinction can be viewed as a non-linear function, with two peaks of high mortality corresponding to the Last Glacial Maximum and the Lateglacial

Viimati muudetud: 16.2.2022
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