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Lorenzo et al., 2022

Nuevos fósiles del Pragiense (Devónico Inferior) del Geoparque Mundial de la UNESCO Montañas do Courel (Lugo, NO de España) y sus implicaciones geológicas

Lorenzo, X. C. B., Gutiérrez-Marco, J. C., Cózar, P., Vinn, O., Ballesteros, D., Vila, R., Alemparte, M.
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For the first time, Devonian fossils are recognized in limestones of the Sil synclinorium (Lugo, NW Spain). Within this tectonic structure, the outcrop was interpreted as belonging to Ordovician shales, although observation of Devonian strata recommended a more detailed stratigraphical and tectonic investigation of the area. The palaeontological site contains an exceptional accumulation of dacryoconarids, apparently monospecific (Nowakia cf. acuaria (Ritchter)), a group never recognized before in Galicia. This species allows the attribution of these limestones to the Pragian (Lower Devonian), which are roughly correlated with the upper part of the Salas Formation of the eastern end of the synclinorium, in León province. An alternative interpretation would be to consider this limestone block as an olistolith at the base of the Carboniferous olistostrome + flysch of San Clodio. Taking into consideration the palaeontological, stratigraphical and structural interest of the outcrop, it has been inscribed as a new Geosite of the Courel Mountains Global UNESCO Geopark.

Viimati muudetud: 20.7.2023
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