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Fiebig et al., 2019

Combined high-precision ∆48 and ∆47 analysis of carbonates

Fiebig, J., Bajnai, D., Löffler, N., Methner, K., Krsnik, E., Mulch, A., Hofmann, S.
AjakiriChemical Geology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


High-precision analysis of the excess abundance (relative to the stochastic distribution) of mass 48 isotopologues in CO2 evolved from acid digestion of carbonates (∆48) has not been possible until recently due to the relatively low natural abundance of 18O. Here we show that the 253 Plus™ gas source mass spectrometer equipped with Faraday cups and 1013 Ω resistors can perform combined ∆47 and ∆48 analyses on carbonates with external reproducibilities (1SD) of 0.010 ‰ and 0.030 ‰, respectively. ~10 mg aliquots of five carbonate reference materials (ETH 1, ETH 2, ETH 3, ETH 4, and Carrara) are digested with phosphoric acid at 90 °C using a common acid bath. The evolved CO2 is purified using an automated gas preparation system (including cryotraps and a GC) and analyzed for its ∆47 and ∆48 compositions using the dual inlet system of a 253 Plus™ gas source mass spectrometer. Raw ∆47 and ∆48 values are finally normalized to the Carbon Dioxide Equilibrium Scale (CDES). In ∆47, CDES 90°C vs. ∆48, CDES 90°C space, calcite reference materials Carrara, ETH 3 and ETH 4 agree with the equilibrium curve for calcite after adding semi-empirically determined 90 °C acid fractionation factors of 0.196 ‰ (for ∆47) and 0.136 ‰ (for ∆48) to theoretical ∆63 and ∆64 data. Agreement between measured and theoretically expected ∆48, CDES 90°C highlights the accuracy of our high-precision clumped isotope analytical setup. Combined analysis of the abundances of mass 47 and mass 48 isotopologues in CO2 evolved from acid digestion of natural carbonates has excellent potential for the determination of accurate and highly precise paleotemperatures as well as for the identification of rate-limiting kinetic processes involved in biomineralization. A formation temperature of 15(±2) °C is obtained on the 95 % confidence level for the Upper Cretaceous chalk sample ETH 3.

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