Tagasi otsingusse
Holmer et al., 2013

Silurian Craniide Brachiopoda from Gotland

Holmer, L. E., Popov, L., Bassett, M. G.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Seven craniide brachiopod genera are described from the Silurian (Wenlock–Ludlow) of Gotland, including one new genus and five new species. The new genus and species Thulecrania septicostata is unique among Silurian craniides as it possesses solid spines. The new species Lepidocrania multilamellosa is the first Silurian record of this poorly known Permian genus. The problematic North American Propatella Grubbs, was originally described as a gastropod, but the new species Propatella palmaria from Gotland shows that it is a craniide with sutured hollow spines of a type not previously recorded from Silurian craniides. The dorsal valves of the new species Valdiviathyris? bicornis are remarkably similar to those of the type species and represent the first possible Palaeozoic record of this poorly known extant craniide. This first systematic study of craniide brachiopods from the Silurian of Gotland shows that the diversity is relatively high as compared to other known Silurian craniide faunas, but a more thorough comparison is not possible due to the lack of data from most parts of the world. The new data from Gotland support the view that the craniides were not affected by the end-Ordovician extinction.

Viimati muudetud: 11.1.2025
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