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Long et al., 2014

Taxonomic revision of buchanosteoid placoderms (Arthrodira) from the Early Devonian of south-eastern Australia and Arctic Russia

Long, J. A., Mark-Kurik, E., Young, G. C.
AjakiriAustralian Journal of Zoology
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The ‘buchanosteid’ placoderms are best known from the Early Devonian of Australia, but also occur in China, Russia, Central Asia and the Middle East. Here we rediagnose the type species Buchanosteus confertituberculatus  (Hills1936) from the type locality at Buchan, Victoria, in the light of new material of both head and trunk shields. The superfamily Buchanosteoidea Denison,1978 is redefined to unite taxa that share a similar skullroof with separate rostro-pineal (ethmoid) bone, and postethmoid skull pattern characterised by alarge trapezoidal nuchal, strap-like short and broad preorbitals, large subrectangular centrals, small postorbitals not contacting the paranuchals, and large, elongate marginal plates. The Family Buchanosteidaeis redefinedon skullroof and parasphenoid shape and trunk armour features as a monotypic family within the Buchanosteoidea. A new family (Parabuchanosteidae nov.) includes taxa with the posterior lateral plate overlapping theanterior dorsolateral plate externally. Two new buchanosteids are described, Richardosteus barwickorum gen. et sp. nov., from Burrinjuck, south-eastern Australia, and Urvaspis lithuanica gen. et sp. nov., from Severnaya Zemlya, Russia.

Viimati muudetud: 14.10.2020
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