Tagasi otsingusse
Buttler et al., 2008

Bryozoa from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of Courtown, County Wexford, Ireland

Buttler, C. J., Wyse Jackson, P. N., Key, M. M. jr.
RaamatBryozoan Studies 2007: Proceedings of the 14th International Bryozoology Association Conference, Chapter: Bryozoa from the Ordovician (Caradoc) of Courtow. Editors: S. J. Hageman, M. M. Key, J. E. W
KirjastusVirginia Museum of Natural History Press
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus


The Ordovician Courtown Limestone Formation (Aurelucian, Caradoc) of County Wexford, south east Ireland comprises a sequence of blue to white fossiliferous limestones, calcareous sandstones and siltstones, with a basal conglomerate developed in places. A moderately rich brachiopod -trilobite fauna has been described from the Formation. Bryozoans were reported from the Formation when it was first mapped but were not systematically described. This study has revealed that the bryozoan fauna is moderately diverse containing 10 species of trepostomes and cryptostomes. All specimens are abraded and broken. The fauna compares biogeographically with others from Wales, Sweden and Estonia.

Viimati muudetud: 1.2.2020
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