Tagasi otsingusse
Stanley & Pickerill, 1995

Arenituba, a new name for the trace fossil ichnogenus Micatuba Chamberlain, 1971

Stanley, D. C. A., Pickerill, R. K.
AjakiriJournal of Paleontology
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Given the vast number of taxonomic names in existence, spanning numerous areas of zoological and paleontological research, it is not surprising that a single generic name can inadvertently be applied to more than one taxon. Such a situation arose when Chamberlain (1971a) erected the ichnogenus Micatuba. At that time, the name was in fact unavailable, having previously been applied to a genus of agglutinated foraminifer by Avnimelech (1952). In view of this, the principal purposes of this short contribution are to propose a replacement name for Micatuba Chamberlain, 1971, and to provide an updated systematic review. A previously unreported example of this newly proposed ichnotaxon, from the Upper Ordovician Georgian Bay Formation of Ontario, eastern Canada (Figure 1), is also described and figured.

Viimati muudetud: 5.1.2025
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