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Männik & Malkowski, 1998

Silurian conodonts from the Goldap core, Poland

Männik, P., Malkowski, K.
RaamatProceedings of the Sixth European Conodont Symposium (ECOC VI)
AjakiriPalaeontologia Polonica
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The conodont faunas from the Silurian interval of the Goldap core range from the Rhuddanian (Distomodus kentuckyensis Zone ) into the middle Ludlow (Polygnathoides siluricus Zone), and probably higher. The D. kentuckyensis, Pranognathustenuis, Pterospathodus sp. n. E, Pt. celloni and Pt. amorphognathoides zones were recognized in the Llandovery part of the section. The probable position of the boundaries between the Upper Pseudooneotodus bicomis and Lower Pt. pennatus procerus zones, and between the Upper Pt. p. procerus and Lower Kockelella ranuliformis zones were established. Taxa indicating the K. walliseri, and possibly also the K. patula and Ozarkodina sagitta sagitta zones, were found. In the upper part of the sequence, the Pol. siluricus Zone faunas of the early-Late Ludlow age, were determined.


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