Tagasi otsingusse
Tatzreiter & Zorn, 2013

The Cephalopods of the Hallstatt Limestone Described in the Monographs by Edmund von Mojsisovics 1873, 1875 and 1902 Stored in the Palaeontological Collection of the Geological Survey of Austria

Tatzreiter, F., Zorn, I.
AjakiriJahrbuch Geologische Bundesanstalt
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas
Joonisedpl. 1-19


This catalogue deals with the Triassic cephalopods from the Hallstatt Limestone published by Edmund von Mojsisovics (1839–1907) in the miscellany “Abhandlungen der kaiserlich-königlichen Geologischen Reichsanstalt”, volume 6/1 (1873, 1875, 1902). The specimens are stored in the collection of the Geological Survey of Austria in Vienna. More than 1,000 specimens are included and listed with their most important details (bibliographical references, chronostratigraphy, locality, collection number). Holo-, Lecto- and Neotypes are treated in more detail, with their current names included, and are also figured. Selected localities and their lithostratigraphy are characterized.
Viimati muudetud: 6.3.2018
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