Tagasi otsingusse
Kočí et al., 2017

Sabellid and serpulid worm tubes (Polychaeta, Canalipalpata, Sabellida) from the historical stratotype of the Cenomanian (Late Cretaceous; Le Mans region, Sarthe, France)

Kočí, T., Jäger, M., Morel, N.
AjakiriAnnales de Paléontologie
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The rich Cenomanian assemblage of tube-dwelling polychaete worms of the families Sabellidae and Serpulidae from Le Mans region (Sarthe) is described in detail for the first time in one place; the systematics and the palaeoecology of the species are discussed. The 19 species described belong to 12 genera: Glomerula Brünnich Nielsen, 1931; Filograna Berkeley, 1835; Protula Risso, 1826; Filogranula Langerhans,1884; Serpula Linnaeus, 1758; Cementula Brünnich Nielsen, 1931; Neovermilia Day, 1961; Dorsoserpula Parsch, 1956; Mucroserpula Regenhardt, 1961; Placostegus Philippi, 1844; Cycloplacostegus Jäger, 2005; Pyrgopolon de Montfort, 1808. Two new species are described: Serpula? pseudoserpentina sp. nov. and Pyrgopolon (Septenaria) cenomanensis sp. nov.

Viimati muudetud: 3.6.2022
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