Tagasi otsingusse
Breton et al., 2020

The sclerobionts of the Bajocian Oolithe ˇferrugineuse de Bayeux Formation from Calvados (Paris Basin, Normandy, France)

Breton, G., Jäger, M., Kocí, T.
AjakiriAnnales de Paléontologie
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Silicified fossils collected in ploughed fields at Gavrus (Calvados, France), mainly mollusc shells, are Bajocian in age, and come from the Oolithe ferrugineuse de Bayeux Formation. The entire formation is highly condensed and most fossils are reworked. Their silicification allowed treatment with dilute hydrochloric acid. This treatment brought to light numerous encrusting sclerobionts: Porifera (3 taxa), Bryozoa (n), Polychaeta (9), Brachiopoda (n), Bivalvia (5). The borings and bioerosional traces are described using the “categories of architectural design” as defined by Buatois et al. (2017). Among the 28 ichnotaxa described (corresponding to an ichnodisparity of 14), Planavolites wisshaki isp. nov., Kleithrichnus belemnophilus igen. nov., isp. nov. and Foggara foggara igen. nov., isp. nov. are new. Some Gastrochaenolites dijugus Kelly and Bromley, 1984 borings accommodate the shell of the presumed borer Lithophaga fabella J.-A. Eudes-Deslongchamps, 1838. A group of Nododendrina europaea (Fischer, 1875) on a belemnite rostrum provides a good instance of an ichnogenetic series. Encrusting sclerobionts and macroscopic boring and bioerosional trace-makers are dominantly suspension feeders. The ichnofacies is a peculiar Entobia-ichnofacies, found in deeper, lower-energy environments than the “classical” coastal Entobia-ichnofacies, on deep shell-grounds far from the coast, in the deep euphotic zone.

Viimati muudetud: 11.6.2022
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