Tagasi otsingusse
Jarochowska et al., 2016a

Faunal and facies changes through the mid Homerian (late Wenlock, Silurian) positive carbon isotope excursion in Podolia, western Ukraine

Jarochowska, E., Munnecke, A., Frisch, K., Ray, D. C., Castagner, A.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The late Wenlock is characterized by two global regressive‐transgressive eustatic cycles in association with a double‐peaked positive carbon isotope excursion. The onset of the excursion coincides with an extinction event affecting graptolites (the lundgreni event) and proposed to affect conodonts (the Mulde Event) and proliferation of non‐skeletal carbonates. In order to test the hypothesized relationships between eustatic and ecological changes, the tropical carbonate Homerian succession in Podolia has been examined with respect to conodont, sequence and δ13C stratigraphy. Four depositional sequences (DS) have been identified. The onset of the δ13C excursion occurs at the boundary between DS1 and DS2, corresponding to a forced regression of proposed glacioeustatic origin. The following rapid eustatic transgression associated with the highest δ13C values of 5.2‰ includes a higher‐order shallowing episode recorded in Podolia as normal regression and a boundary between DS2 and DS3. This interval is distinguished by the presence of oncoids and thrombolitic buildups. The latest Wenlock eustatic fall and the corresponding second peak of the δ13C excursion corresponds in Podolia to a stratigraphic gap. The first δ13C peak (top of DS1 and DS2) corresponds to the O. bohemica longa conodont Zone, the interval between the two peaks (DS3) – to K. ortus absidata and C. murchisoni zones, and DS4 is tentatively placed in the lowermost Ludlow Series. The record of relative sea‐level changes in Podolia is consistent with reconstructions based on successions in England and Sweden. The moderate drop in conodont taxonomic richness may reflect the primary depositional control over their proposed extinction

Viimati muudetud: 25.2.2023
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