Struktury litoralne w liasie w Dolince Smytniej [Littoral structures (cliff, clastic dikes and veins, and borings of Potamilla) in the high-tatric Lias]
Aasta | 1959 |
Ajakiri | Acta Geologica Polonica |
Köide | 9 |
Number | 2 |
Leheküljed | 270-280 |
Tüüp | artikkel ajakirjas |
OpenAccess | |
Id | 45434 |
Description is given of littoral structures such as cliff with blocks surfaces of abrasion, clastic dikes and veins, also weathering, fissures, excellently preserved in the lower high-tatric Lias of Smytnia Valley (Polish Western Tatra). Common, borings of the polychaete Potamilla, noted in pebbles of Norian dolomites, belong to sub-littoral structures. The Iand, on whose shores littoral structures were formed during the Liassic transgression, is built of carbonate rocks of the Norian stage. Rhaetic sediments, however, occur in some polychaete borings. Clastic dikes and veins have formed on diaclase surfaces and are filled by Liassic materiaI only. Hence, the elevation above sea level of the sedimentary complex in the Smytnia Valley associated with the lithification and diaclase of sediments, must be post-Rhaetic but pre-Liassic.