Tagasi otsingusse
Horný, 1997c

Ordovician Tergomya and Gastropoda of the Anti-Atlas (Morocco)

Horný, R. J.
AjakiriActa Musei Nationalis Pragae
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A large collection of the Ordovician Tergomya and Gastropoda, discovered and gathered by Jacques Destombes during his research of the Anti-Atlas (Morocco) , is described. Of 23 identified species, characterising the cold Mediterranean Palaeoprov ince, 10 are common to Bohemia (the Barrandian Area), four to France (the Montagne Noire), and 10 are endemic to Morocco. Ascertained genera of Tergomya include Sinuitopsis, Cyrtodiscus, Quasisinuites, Carcassonnella, Tachillanella, and Thoralispira; ascertained genera of Gastropoda include Sinuites, Selesinuites, Tritonophon , Bucanopsina, Tropidodiscus, Lesueurilla, Ptychonema, Clathrospira, Lophospira, Nonorios, Holopea?, and Loxonema? New subfamily and taxa of Tergomya named herein are Carcassonnellinae subfam. n., Baltiscanella gen. n., Tachillanella tafilaltensis gen. et sp. n.; new taxa of Gastropoda are Sinuites destombesi sp. n., Atlantophon maider gen. et sp. n., Ptychonema marocanum sp. n., Clathrospira amouguerana sp. n., and Lophospira'l debganensis sp. n. Important results concern morphology (muscle attachment areas in Sinuitopsis, Selesinuites, and Sinuites; secondary shell deposits in Sinuites destombesi; presence of a sinus on the keel in Lesueurilla prima), taxonomy, functional morphology, palaeoecology, mode of life, shell repair, and palaeobiogeography

Viimati muudetud: 8.3.2024
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