Tagasi otsingusse
Reid et al., 2022

Latitudinal influences on bryozoan calcification through the Paleozoic

Reid, C. M., Wyse Jackson, P. N., Key, M. M.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Bryozoans are active non-phototrophic biomineralizers that precipitate their calcareous skeletons in seawater. Carbonate saturation states varied temporally and spatially in Paleozoic oceans, and we used the Bryozoan Skeletal Index (BSI) to investigate whether bryozoan calcification was controlled by seawater chemistry in Paleozoic trepostome and cryptostome bryozoans. Our results show that cryptostome bryozoan genera were influenced by ocean chemistry throughout the Paleozoic and precipitated the most calcite at lower latitudes, where carbonate saturation states are generally higher, and less in midlatitudes, where carbonate will be relatively undersaturated. Trepostome bryozoan genera show a similar but weaker trend for the Ordovician to Devonian, suggesting that, like the cryptostomes, they were unable to metabolically overcome falling saturation states and simply precipitated less robust skeletons at higher latitudes. Carboniferous to Triassic trepostomes differ, however, and show a trend toward increased calcification at higher latitudes, indicating an ability to overcome unfavorable carbonate saturation states. Analysis of Permian trepostomes at the species level indicates this is most pronounced in the Southern Hemisphere, where calcification is matched by increased feeding capacity. It is proposed that this increased feeding capacity allowed trepostomes to metabolically overcome unfavorable carbonate saturation states. The differing responses of trepostome and cryptostome bryozoans to carbonate saturation states suggest that bryozoans should not be considered as a single group in marine extinctions linked to ocean chemistry changes. Likewise, it would suggest that modern stenolaemate and gymnolaemate bryozoans should be treated separately when considering their response to modern ocean chemistry changes.

Viimati muudetud: 29.12.2024
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