Tagasi otsingusse
Plax & Newman, 2022

Placoderm remains from the Middle Devonian of Belarus

Plax, D. P., Newman, M.
AjakiriNew Mexico Museum of Natural History & Science Bulletin
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A large suite of fragmentary placoderm remains are described from several borehole cores from the Middle Devonian of Belarus. All the specimens are from Stolin Beds of the Polotsk Regional Stage. Most of the remains belong in the genus Asterolepis, one of which is tentatively placed in Asterolepis cf. dellei, a species found in the Baltic Region. Two other species are placed in open nomenclature, Asterolepis sp. 1 and Asterolepis sp. 2. The second of these species has unique characters but is very small and may be a juvenile of a known species where the young are unknown. Also described are Holonema scales, which are shown to be generic, and an unusually ornamented placoderm plate. The fauna of other stratigraphic horizons in the Middle Devonian of Belarus are discussed and listed.

Viimati muudetud: 30.12.2024
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