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Jung et al., 2022

Evidence for a mixed-age group in a pterosaur footprint assemblage from the early Upper Cretaceous of Korea

Jung, J., Huh, M., Unwin, D. M., Smyth, R. S. H., Hwang, K., Kim, H., Choi, B., Xing, L.
AjakiriScientific Reports
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Here we describe a new pterosaur footprint assemblage from the Hwasun Seoyuri tracksite in the Upper Cretaceous Jangdong Formation of the Neungju Basin in Korea. The assemblage consists of many randomly oriented prints in remarkably high densities but represents a single ichnotaxon, Pteraichnus. Individuals exhibit a large but continuous size range, some of which, with a wingspan estimated at 0.5 m, are among the smallest pterosaurs yet reported from the Upper Cretaceous, adding to other recent finds which contradict the idea that large and giant forms entirely dominated this interval. Unusual features of the tracks, including relatively long, slender pedal digit impressions, do not match the pes of any known Cretaceous pterosaur, suggesting that the trackmakers are as yet unknown from the body fossil record. The Hwasun pterosaur footprints appear to record gregarious behavior at the exact location by individuals of different ages, hinting at the possibility that pterosaurs gathered in mixed-age groups.

Viimati muudetud: 28.4.2023
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