Tagasi otsingusse
Bromley et al., 1970

Preliminary results of mapping in the Palaeozoic and Mesozoic sediments of Scoresby Land and Jameson Land

Bromley, R. G., Bruun-Petersen, J., Perch-Nielsen, K.
AjakiriRapport GrønIands Geologiske Undersøgelse
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


In the 1969 summer season mapping was concentrated in those areas of southern Scoresby Land and northern Jameson Land which had not been visited in 1968 (see Birkelund & Perch-Nielsen, 1969). Mapping was extended westward to the main fault of the post-Caledonian sedimentary basin against the Stauning Alper and to the south as far as 71°10'. The field work was carried out by R. G. Bromley, L. and C. Malmros, K. Perch Nielsen, J. Bruun-Petersen, C. Heinberg, and E. Hjelmar. The preliminary results of the mapping are given in this report together with a geological map at a scale of 1:300 000, compiled from the existing maps (Aellen, in press; Bearth & Wenk, 1959; Callomon, in press; Triimpy & Grasmiick; 1969) and our own observations. Special attention was given to trace fossils by. R. G. Bromley and the heavy mineral assemblages in the Mesozoic sediments by J. Bruun-Petersen.

Viimati muudetud: 15.2.2025
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