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Mironenko & Mitta, 2023

The first record of jaws of Boreal Valanginian ammonites (Cephalopoda, Polyptychitidae)

Mironenko, A. A., Mitta, V. V.
AjakiriCretaceous Research
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Jaws of ammonites which inhabited the Panboreal Superrealm during the Jurassic and Cretaceous are poorly known in comparison to those of Tethyan ammonoid faunas. This paucity may be explained by limited thickness, or even absence of an outer calcitic layer, in lower jaw elements (aptychi) of Boreal ammonites. Here we describe, for the first time, the jaws (both lower and upper) of ammonites of the Boreal family Polyptychitidae, of the Early Cretaceous (Valanginian) age. Polyptychitid lower jaws are of the aptychus type, but have an unusual pointed and convex shape. However, lower jaws of Late Jurassic ancestors of polyptychitids (Craspeditidae) as well as Middle Jurassic cardioceratids (Pseudocadoceras) have a near-identical shape, as do previously described aptychi of the Late Cretaceous genera Neogastroplites and Placenticeras (Hoplitoidea). The close resemblance of lower jaws of evolutionarily distant ammonites may be linked to a similar lifestyle, but more data are needed to substantiate this. Upper jaws of polyptychitid are closely similar to previously described upper jaws of Jurassic ammonites, which indicates the conservatism of this part of the jaw apparatus. Together with shells and jaws of the Valanginian ammonites described herein, jaws of coleoids (likely belemnites) as well as arm hooks (onychites) have been found.

Viimati muudetud: 28.4.2023
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