Tagasi otsingusse
Hubbard & Garcia, 2003

The corals and coral reefs of Easter Island—A preliminary look

Hubbard, D. K., Garcia, M.
RaamatEaster Island. Scientific Exploration into the World's Environmental Problems in Microcosm
Toimetaja(d)Loret, J., Tanacredi, J. T.
KirjastusKluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers
Kirjastuse kohtNew York
Tüüpartikkel kogumikus


Easter Island sits in geographic isolation in the southern Pacific Ocean at latitude 27° 8’ S and longitude 109°20’ W, nearly 4500 km west of Chile (Fig. 1). It is a small island near the western end of a chain of volcanoes that are related to hot-spot activity dating beyond 3.5 million years before present. The small island of Sala y Gomez to the east and a series of submerged platforms are an extension of a volcanic lineament along the edge of the Nazca Plate (Kruse, et al., 1997; Newman and Foster, 1983

Viimati muudetud: 31.10.2024
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