Tagasi otsingusse
Weber & Braddy, 2004

A marginal marine ichnofauna from the Blaiklock Glacier Group (?Lower Ordovician) of the Shackleton Range, Antarctica

Weber, B., Braddy, S. J.
AjakiriTransactions of the Edinburgh Geological Society
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


A diverse arthropod-dominated ichnofauna, associated with a poorly preserved crustacean fauna and soft-bodied ?medusoid impressions, is described from the Blaiklock Glacier Group of the north-western Shackleton Range (Coats Land), Antarctica. The ichnofauna consists of Asaphoidichnus, Beaconites, Didymaulichnus, Diplichnites, Gordia, ?Laevicyclus, Merostomichnites, Monomorphichnus, Palaeophycus, Planolites, Rusophycus, Selenichnites, and Taphrhelminthoides (ichnogen nov.). Three new ichnotaxa are recognised: Taphrhelminthoides antarcticus n. ichnogen. et ichnosp. is a bilobate trail, composed of two parallel flat lobes, separated by a median ridge with a characteristic figure-of-eight pattern. Merostomichnites gracilis n. ichnosp. is characterised by its proportions (external:internal width ratio >3) and series of 10 to 12, thin, linear tracks. Selenichnites antarcticus n. ichnosp. is characterised by small elongate horseshoe-shaped marks, the medial portion showing three to five transverse scratch-marks.

The palaeoenvironment is interpreted as extremely shallow marine water, possibly a tide-dominated estuary, based on sedimentological evidence and the composition of the ichnofauna. Radiometric and palaeomagnetic data indicate that this assemblage is Lower Ordovician in age, representing the first autochthonous Ordovician fossiliferous succession to be described from Antarctica. The succession shows several sedimentological and palaeontological similarities with the basal units of the Ordovician Table Mountain Group in South Africa, supporting palaeogeographic models placing the Palaeozoic Blaiklock basin close to the Ordovician Table Mountain basin.

Viimati muudetud: 8.5.2024
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