Tagasi otsingusse
Ramsköld, 1983

Silurian cheirurid trilobites from Gotland

Ramsköld, L.
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Trilobites of the family Cheiruridae are described from the Silurian of Gotland, Sweden. Nineteen species (fourteen named formally, of which six are new) are assigned to seven genera (one new). The generic composition of the fauna shows affinities with East Baltic, Bohemian, British, and Canadian faunas. None of the species is known with certainty outside Gotland. The presence of six stratigraphically successive species of Deiphon is noteworthy, but no phylogenetic lineage can be established. Radiurus gen. nov. includes the type species R. phlogoideus sp. nov. from the Llandovery of Gotland, together with Cheirurus estonicus Männil, 1958. Other new species described are Didrepanon gutnicum, Deiphon sphaericiun, Deiphon brevispina, Deiphon ellipticum, and Deiphon snodensis.

Viimati muudetud: 5.12.2022
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