Tagasi otsingusse
Turner & Nowlan, 1995

Early Silurian microvertebrates from eastern Canada

Turner, S., Nowlan, G. S.
Toimetaja(d)Arsenault, M., Lalievre, H., Janvier, P.
AjakiriBulletin du Muséum national d'Histoire Naturelle
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


Early to Late Llandovery platformal strata from Chaleurs Bay, Gaspe Peninsula, Quebec; northern New Brunswick; and School Brook Cove, Nova Scotia, have yielded vertebrate microfossils associated with conodonts. Scales of Loganiid thelodonts are relatively common comprising Loganellia scotica type, Loganellia sp. cf. L. sibirica, as well as a new form, a possible katoporid, Valyalepis crista n. g., n. sp. Other scales and ornamented bones or platelets might be derived from chondrichthyans, an anaspid, or a gnathostome, either acanthodian or placoderm. The new assemblages share a close resemblance with those of the Late Ordovician and Llandovery of Timan-Pechora and Siberia and have features in common with faunas from the Llandovery elsewhere in Greenland, Britain, the Baltic and Tuva

Viimati muudetud: 6.12.2022
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