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El Qot et al., 2017

Shell concentrations from the Miocene Ar Rajmah Group at Soluq-Al Abyar road cut, southern Al Jabal Al Akhdar, NE Libya

El Qot, G. M., Abdulsamad, E. O., El Fakhry, A.
AjakiriArabian Journal of Geosciences
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The Miocene Ar Rajmah Group, exposed along the Soluq-Al Abyar road cut in southern Al Jabal Al Akhdar, NE Libya, is very rich in both micro- and macrofossils, especially molluscs and echinoids. Seven shell concentrations were recognized of which four from the Benghazi Formation; pectinids–small oyster concentration (BSC1), Echinolampas sp.–Clypeaster cf. martini concentration (BSC2), molluscan shell concentration (BSC3), and Echinolampas cf. amplusClypeaster acclivis concentration (BSC4). Three shell concentrations occur in the Wadi Al Qattarah Formation; large oyster concentration (QSC1), Crassostrea gryphoides– Chlamys zitteli concentration (QSC2), and Cubitostrea digitalina concentration (QSC3). The main factors controlling the formation of the shell concentrations were storm-induced waves and currents, reduced sediment input, settling behavior of benthic macro-invertebrates, and productivity.

Viimati muudetud: 14.12.2022
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