Tagasi otsingusse
Peel, 2023

A phosphatised fossil Lagerstätte from the middle Cambrian (Wuliuan Stage) of North Greenland (Laurentia)

Peel, J. S.
AjakiriBulletin of the Geological Society of Denmark
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The upper Henson Gletscher Formation (Cambrian, Miaolingian Series, Wuliuan Stage) of southern Lauge Koch Land and Løndal, south-western Peary Land, North Greenland (Laurentia) yields diverse assemblages of phosphatised Small Shelly Fossils after treatment with weak acetic acid. The occurrence merits description as a fossil Lagerstätte on account of the exceptional preservation of soft parts in some specimens, although the phosphatisation itself is generally rather coarse. Bradoriid and phosphatocopid arthropods are common and display substantial variation in their preservational history. Some specimens retain traces of internal morphology, although details are generally obscured by indifferent preservation. Rare specimens extend the range of stem-group pentastomid arthropods back by more than 10 million years. A unique hatching larva demonstrates the same early developmental stage of a stem-group priapulan worm to that described in some present-day priapulans. The preservation of an in place operculum has demonstrated that the widespread, supposed mollusc Protowenella is actually an unusual, strongly coiled hyolith. Abundant coprolites and cololites provide additional evidence of early phosphatisation. In terms of morphology, Cambrocoryne lagenamorpha gen. et sp. nov. superficially resembles wiwaxiid and some annelid sclerites, thelodont scales and the foraminiferan Lagena, but its true identity is obscure.

Viimati muudetud: 12.1.2025
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