Tagasi otsingusse
Agostinho et al., 2004

Duas novas icnoespécies de Bifungites Desio, 1940 na Formação Pimenteira, Devoniano da Bacia do Parnaíba, Brasil

Agostinho, S., Viana, M. S. S., Fernandes, A. C. S.
AjakiriArquivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


This paper describes two new ichnospecies, Bifungites munizi isp.nov. and Bifungites piauiensis isp.nov., that occur in sandstones of the Pimenteira Formation (Devonian, Parnaiba Basin), in the Piaui State, Brazil. Bifungites munizi isp.nov. is morphologically characterized by different terminations, one of which is reniform and the other is dumbbell-like. Bifungites piauiensis; isp.nov. shows a horizontal, straight and subcircular shaft, with double arrow-shaped terminations which bases have projections with angles of 10[degree] to 35[degree]. The morphological characteristics and dimensions of the two new ichnospecies allow their differenciation from other ichnospecies of Bifungites, resulting in two new ichnotaxa of this ichnogenus in the Brazilian Devonian.

Viimati muudetud: 17.8.2023
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