Tagasi otsingusse
Dai et al., 2023

Developmental traits and life strategy of redlichiid trilobites

Dai, T., Zhang, X., Peng, S.
AjakiriBiological Reviews
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The developmental mode of four redlichiid trilobites is summarized, based upon exceptionally well-preserved, articulated specimens from Cambrian Series 2 (stages 3 and 4) strata in southwestern China and South Australia. These relatively complete developmental sequences indicate a balanced rate in segment increase and addition to the thorax during the meraspid phase, which might explain why most redlichiids possess micropygous body patterning during ontogeny. In addition, an analysis of the size distribution, developmental strategy, and distribution of specimen numbers at different growth stages reveals a distinct developmental strategy during the redlichiid life cycle. A relatively short pre-holaspid and a prolonged holaspid phase in these redlichiid taxa offers insight into the developmental control and life strategy in these primitive arthropods.

Viimati muudetud: 17.8.2023
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