Tagasi otsingusse
Park & Choi, 2009

Post-embryonic development of the Furongian (late Cambrian) trilobite Tsinania canens: implications for life mode and phylogeny

Park, T., Choi, D. K.
AjakiriEvolution & Development
Tüüpartikkel ajakirjas


The current concept of the order Asaphida was proposed to accommodate some Cambrian and Ordovician trilobite clades that are characterized by the possession of a ventral median suture. The family Tsinaniidae was recently suggested to be a member of the order Asaphida on the basis of its close morphological similarity to Asaphidae. Postembryonic development of the tsinaniid trilobite, Tsinania canens, from the Furongian (late Cambrian) Hwajeol Formation of Korea, reveals that this trilobite had an adult-like protaspis. Notable morphological changes with growth comprise the effacement of dorsal furrows, sudden degeneration of pygidial spines, regression of genal spines, and loss of a triangular rostral plate to form a ventral median suture. Programmed cell death may be responsible for degenerating the pygidial and genal spines during ontogeny. Morphological changes with growth, such as the loss of pygidial spines, modification of pleural tips, and effacement of dorsal furrows, suggest that T. canens changed its life mode during ontogeny from benthic crawling to infaunal. The protaspid morphology and the immature morphology of T. canens retaining genal and pygidial spines suggest that tsinaniids bear a close affinity to leiostegioids of the order Corynexochida. Accordingly, development of a ventral median suture in T. canens demonstrates that the ventral median suture could have evolved polyphyletically, and thus the current concept of the order Asaphida needs to be revised.

Viimati muudetud: 17.8.2023
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